Hello and thank you for stopping by!!! I´m sorry that I haven´t posted for such a loooooooooong time. But my Traineeship, my homework for it , my final term paper and a huge pile of tests and exams kept me very very busy til now.But I will try to catch up from now on a bit more.
So in this post I want to share with you some 3D-projects I did during the last months.
The first thing I would want to show you is this cute giftcard-purse. I saw it on Kim Burmeisters Blog (Clearlyinspired.blogspot.com) and had to try it myself. Its great for giftcards or small sweets and just looks cute :)

Another project-idea I saw came also from Kim´s Blog. Its a Pizza Box with small cards and envelopes in it. Its great for thank you cards or just small greeting cards you can add to gifts or sweets. I made a few of those as christmasgifts for friends in the USA.

And last but not least I made this cute little note-pad holder after I saw the 3D-challenge on Paper-Craft-Planet. Thats a really great website, where you can get a huge lot of creative ideas and can meet a lot of great creative people as well :)

So thats for now. I will try to post again very soon, but can´t promise to do it regularly, due to exam comming up soon but I will try to post at least once a month :) I hope everyone has a great day!!!
Hope you liked the projects and HAPPY CRAFTING
Maria :)